Thursday, August 11, 2005

Wired News: Koreans Find Secret Cybersauce

Wired News: Koreans Find Secret Cybersauce: "Like Friendster, Cyworld lets users create networks based on degrees of closeness. But Cyworld is Friendster-plus. As well as websites and blogs, Cyworld has its own version of the popular game The Sims. It also gives users unlimited image hosting, the ability to update pages by mobile phone and special-interest bulletin boards.
The service has its own currency called dotoris (acorns) and its own slang and social obligations.
It is highly addictive. Many users call themselves 'Cyholics,' spending hours every day in Cyworld -- enough user time to produce 3.8 billion page impressions a week."

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Scientists predict brave new world of brain pills

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Scientists predict brave new world of brain pills: "But a new report by leading scientists in the fields of psychology and neuroscience argues that, very soon, there really will be a pill for every ill.
'It is possible that [advances] could usher in a new era of drug use without addiction,' said the report by Foresight, the government's science-based thinktank.
'In a world that is increasingly non-stop and competitive, the individual's use of such substances may move from the fringe to the norm.'"

What a distressing view of a stressful world in the future if these pills will be needed to help people cope.