Monday, August 09, 2004


How Our Schools Create Sheeple

We are all sheeple, not just in America, but everywhere.

It's not a great conspiracy of control, I think. It's human folly, we'll never get things right; the powers set up systems for good but the best of intentions go awry, power corrupts, we and our politicians lie to ourselves about our motivations, extremism is in our fallen nature, and we know not what we do. We are lost sheeple.

At least it is not a human conspiracy, we haven't been organised enough since the Tower of Babel for that. But Jesus refers to Satan as a strong man (Mark 3:20-27) and the "prince of this world" (John 14:30), it is Satan's conspiracy. He can herd us into a holy huddle or scatter us like rabbits (1 Peter 5:8).

We have to try not to be sheeple.


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